Tattoos can be adventurous and fun, but sometimes the need can arise for covering up or removing your tattoo. If it is the case for you, then this is your complete guide to the options available.

Here you will find a plethora of solutions, both temporary and permanent, to cover up or to remove your tattoo.

Temporary Solutions

You might love your tattoo for all it is worth, but you may be concerned that your parents or grandparents will frown upon it at your family gathering or church; or a job interview, a party or a wedding might require you to cover up your design. If that is the case, then you have many temporary solutions to breeze through the situation.

Choose the Right Clothing

Don’t smirk just yet. While this idea might seem as easy as it comes, you need to put a little bit of effort into choosing the right clothing. First things first, the spot you have your tattoo on is going to make your choice that much difficult or simple.

Sleeves and scarves of different sizes come to your rescue if the tattoo is on your arm, neck or shoulder. Sleeves can be long enough to cover your wrists and specialist skin-colored sleeves are available in sizes big enough to cover legs too The major problem with this method is the weather.

If you are in a cooler place, then more power to you – you can go full cover effortlessly. But such clothing might melt you in summers, leaving thin clothing which still covers up the tattoo as an alternative solution.

Jewelry and Hair

If your tattoo is small enough to be camouflaged by a piece of jewelry, then select one that is appropriate for the occasion. But ensure that the ornament is not too gaudy in your eagerness to hide the tattoo. Necklaces, bracelets, and watches are all at your disposable for this purpose. You can also go creative with sweat bands or wrist bands.

If the tattoo is on the back of your neck or near your ears, then growing out your hair could cover it if for some time. But this is possible only if you have advance warning, unless you have longer hair that you can just put up or down at your whim.

In both these cases, you face the risk of uncovering your tattoo unintentionally when the jewelry or hair sways or moves as you walk, bend or lift your arms, so you’ll need to be mindful of your postures and mannerisms, or bear the consequences of such malfunctions.

Stick on an Adhesive Bandage

While you can easily adjust the size of the bandage according to the size of your tattoo, you might have to fake an injury story because people will tend to notice it, unless it is inconspicuous in size and position. If you think that it is worth the trouble, then stick it on, but apply caution when using a medical or adhesive bandage for this use.


Using makeup to temporarily hide your tattoo needs a little effort and practice, especially if you are going to do it yourself. And remember to choose this method only if your tattoo has completely healed. First, gather the things you will need:

  • Cleanser
  • Oil-free Primer
  • Concealer
  • Foundation
  • Powder
  • Setting Sprays


Start off with cleaning the tattooed area with a cleanser to increase the absorption power of the skin, then apply an oil-free primer for a better make-up effect. Blot a concealer cream or liquid onto the tattoo using a sponge or brush. Avoid rubbing it and preferably choose a shade which is lighter than your skin color. At this stage, the tattoo might still be slightly visible.

For the next step, take a spray foundation which matches your skin, spritz it over the concealer and then blend it using your finger. If you do not have a spray foundation, then any other kind would also be fine but make sure to use the same technique as used for the concealer.

For a neat finish, dab on some powder using a shadow brush but, again, do not rub or move the brush back and forth. For the makeup to last longer, use a little hairspray or buy a sealing or setting spray from the store.

Between each step, give enough time for the layer applied to dry off fully or the results will not be satisfactory. After the last layer, check for complete setting before changing your clothes or you will end up smudging your makeup or, worse, staining your clothes.

The first time you do this, you be disappointed with the result, but don’t lose heart. Do a number of trial runs and practice as experience will help you in mastering the technique. If you are able to do it yourself, then you will be saved a trip to the salon every time you need a cover-up.

Tattoo Cover-Up Kits

Yes, your regular make-up can do the job well enough, but there are also special make-up kits sold for the sole purpose of applying on tattoos. These products are available in a wide range of tones and colors. These camouflage cosmetics are designed keeping in mind the need of a tattoo wearer and so they are more comfortable to use. However, this option is a little expensive.

Stage Make-Up

Stage make-up is more suitable than normal make-up because it is by nature made to give a heavy coat and withstand long periods of wear. Hence it becomes easier for you to conceal your tattoo using this kind of make=up. But check out its suitability for your skin type before you purchase and also note that removing it, later on, takes more time and effort than regular make-up requires.

Airbrushing By Professionals

If you do not want to put all that effort into applying make-up to your body art, then meet with a professional. They are well-versed with the use of an airbrush which they will use to hide your tattoo. The finish should be better due to its fine application, but have a long talk with the expert about the procedure and do a trial run if you cannot afford making a mistake.

Tattoo Cover-Up Tape

If you do not have the time to use make-up or if you do not want the painstaking efforts it requires to prevent smudging and staining, then choose a tattoo cover-up tape. These are similar to bandages or band aids in usage, but they do not draw attention because they match the skin color.

These are a mess free option and are usually placed quickly over the tattoo. They are easy enough to remove as well, and if handled well, these tapes even promise to last for days. However, they might not merge with your skin as finely as make-up and a close look might disclose your secret.

But this is a go-to option if your major need is just to hide away the tattoo due to workplace policies etc. If you want the perfect look, then even these need a little more work and practice sessions.

With all of these temporary solutions, you need to try them out as many times as it takes for you to use them comfortably and confidently. If you have an important event coming up then, do not make the mistake of trying out these solutions for the first time on the day.

Permanent Solutions

People who have tattoos have obviously got into it with the idea that it is forever. But then we humans tend to change our minds at times and your stubborn tattoos might not bend to your wish and will. But read on for an idea of the permanent tattoo removal solutions from which you could choose the right one for you.

Cover Up With Another Tattoo

This is not a removal solution but is instead a cover-up solution that is permanent. If you have developed dissatisfaction with the design or quality of your current tattoo but do not mind having one if the work is good, then you can get another tattoo to cover up the first one.

Do not assume that cover up tattooing is very easy and can be done by any tattoo artist. This work needs really good creativity, especially when you consider that you cannot afford a second mistake.

Usually, cover-up tattoos are darker and considerably larger than the original one in order to camouflage it well, and so your choice might be limited. If you have decided to get a cover-up tattoo, then be open minded in terms of the design as you will have to decide it in discussion with the artist.

Abrasive Method At Home

‘Salabrasion’ is a method where a salt-soaked abrasive pad is used to scrub the area where the tattoo is. By doing this, you will be scraping away the epidermis or the upper layer to remove the ink from the dermis, i.e. the layer where the tattoo ink actually lies.

There is a lot of pain and bleeding involved in this method, not to mention the high risk of scarring and infection. And if the first attempt does not completely remove the art, then you might have to repeat it. This method is quite commonly mentioned, but it is one harsh method that is best avoided.

Natural Ingredients

A few ingredients from your kitchen could help to lightly fade your tattoo if not completely remove it. Aloe vera, lemon juice, honey, yogurt, salt, and lavender essential oil can be mixed in the right combinations to create various solutions that would work as natural tattoo fading creams. There are different recipes for such blends, and you could check out the one that suits you the most.

Tattoo Removal Creams

These creams can be chemical or natural ingredient based and are bought from a store for home application. These balms or creams might work as a single or multi-step process. Some of these creams might just end up fading the tattoo or may not be as effective as promised. There is also a chance for scarring, infection, and discoloration for a few people. Therefore, make a well-researched choice when you go for this option.

Tattoo Removal Lights

Usually, the laser procedure is done by professionals. But there is some laser equipment that is being sold which allows the user to work on the tattoo removal at home. However, caution must be exercised in such equipment’s use. Some of them also double as a hair removal machine and include eye gears, gels, and other such accessories. They also need a little bit of financial investment.

Tattoo Removal Machine

This equipment works by using high-frequency electricity. These machines are also marketed as a freckle or pigment spot, tag, and mole removers.

Tattoo Skin Peels

Tattoo skin peels, as the name suggests, removes the skin layer by layer through burning, which results in the formation of new layers after healing. The longer these are left on, the more layers are burnt. They are mostly chemical in nature and contain TCA (Tri Chloroacetic Acid).

This method, though utilized for skin damaged by acne, wrinkles or tanning, is also promoted as a tattoo removal method. However, this is also risky in the sense that you might be left with scars or with a slightly or haphazardly faded tattoo.

Surgery or Professional Procedures

The removal of tattoos at home is a risky procedure and seeking expert advice is encouraged. While they may be expensive, the actual cost depends on the size and the minor nuances of the procedure. Three treatments which can be done by professionals are explained below.

Surgical Excision – In simple terms, the tattoo is cut off with a scalpel and the skin is then sealed with stitches.

Dermabrasion – Here a spinning brush, rotating wheel or sandpaper is used to scrape away the tattoo covered skin. Multiple sessions are needed for this. Both these methods are suitable for small tattoos. But there is an issue of being susceptible to scarring and infection.

Laser – Here, the tattooed area is numbed and light is passed through the skin which breaks down the ink of the tattoo. Different kinds of laser machines are in existence with differing levels of effectiveness. You might also need to attend the prescribed number of sessions. The procedure is slightly painful and you still stand the chance of ending up with minimal scarring.

While there are more than a few options to use as permanent solutions to tattoo removal, the tattoo ink is embedded into the skin, which makes it difficult to completely eliminate it. Before you undertake a particular method, study the effectiveness, pros, and cons. Some of the procedures are not safe, though a lot of information about them is thrown around on the internet.

Avoid making a mistake that could leave you embarrassed and, worse, in pain. Be cautious and take expert advice in detail before you take the leap. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry.