The butterfly tattoo you got done after a bet with your friends not seeming too pretty on your back now? Or the name beautifully designed on your arm reminding you of your scornful ex? Do not fret! Technology is here to save the day for you.

There are many reasons for which people would undergo laser treatment to get rid of their tattoos. ‘Too young when I got inked’ tops the list of those reasons, withchanged lifestyle and professional commitments being other motivators for tattoo removal.

Tattoos which were considered to be permanent can now be removed completely with the aid of  a number of tattoo removal machines available in the market.

Q-switched lasers use a technique by which a pulsed output beam can be passed over the skin, breaking down the tattoo. These beams are more highly charged than the output beams produced as a result of continuous waves and so work more effectively.

A tattoo is basically a combination of numerous tattoo pigment particles embedded into your skin. A human body, being the miracle machine it is, gets rid of small foreign substances from your skin over time, but with tattoo ink, this process can take more than a lifetime.

Q-switch lasers break the tattoo pigments into much smaller portions, which can be more easily absorbed by your body. The ink eventually fades out from your skin, letting nature take its course. Darker shades of black and blues are more reactive to this laser process than other lighter or fluorescent shades.

How Do Q-Switched Lasers Work?

Q-switched lasers produce high energy pulses and also last for a longer duration of time than beams produced with continuous waves. For this reason, it is the preferred technique for laser removal.

The main features of a Q-switch based laser machine are:

  • The intensity of the pulse is high enough to reach the tattoo ink which has seeped deep into your skin.


  • With respect to time, the pulse makes contact with your skin in nanoseconds. This is important because extended exposure to such pulses can scar or burn your skin.


  • The energy discharged with every pulse is the right amount to disintegrate the tattoo pigments, so that they can be absorbed into your body.

Different Types of Laser Wavelengths

A single laser wavelength will work fine for a dark blue or black ink, but in case of a multicolor tattoo, different lasers will have to be used. This is because colors differ in their absorption property, so a laser which works fine on yellow will not have the same effect on orange.

  • Q-switched Nd: Yag: 532nm (nanometers): This laser is suitable for bright colors like orange and red. With this green light laser, the chemical which is used for skin tanning can also be treated.


  • Q-switched Ruby: 694nm: This red light laser is suitable for treating green and dark colored inks.


  • Q-switched Alexandrite: 755nm: This works more or less like the Ruby laser. The difference lies in the absorption level of melanin. While Ruby can have side effects on the skin, Alexandrite is better tolerated in comparison.

Pre-Care Routine for Laser Tattoo Removal

If you have got a tattoo inked on your body, you will be well aware of how painful the process is; the same goes for the removal process. Getting rid of a tattoo with the laser is as painful as getting inked, if not more.

It is recommended that you avoid harsh sunlight 2 – 3 days before the treatment. You could cover up the area with your clothes, depending on where the tattoo is, or you can use a protective layer like a cotton band over the tattoo.

Anesthesia is a must if enduring the pain during the process is not your cup of tea. There are local injections available which can be registered 30 minutes before you begin the process.

You can also opt for anesthetic creams, such as Lidocaine, which can be applied on the desired area at least 60 to 90 minutes before you begin with the procedure. Post-Care Routine for Laser Tattoo Removal

Slight elevations, white discoloration, and wounds with or without bleeding are common after laser treatment. Blisters and crusts can appear 48 to 72 hours after the procedure. Proper care needs to be taken to avoid infections.

Hot showers and saunas should be avoided within the first 24 hours. Exposure to the blazing sun and swimming pools should also be avoided.

Use the doctor recommended ointments for any blisters. Wounds can be dressed up, again apply the permissible ointments only.

Keep the tattoo area clean. Do not pop the blisters or pick at the scabs. Doing so will worsen the situation and will lead to infections.

Tattoos will not completely disappear, but will eventually fade out from your system. Different colors might require multiple sittings. In case of wounds and blisters, make sure they heal before you go in for another round.

Spacing out your sessions is important; let your skin breathe before you pass again through the high-intensity laser beams.

Tattoo Removal Devices Available In the Market

There are various DIY tattoo removal machines available. These machines can range from providing a voltage level of 110V to 240V and are easy to operate

Here are some features of tattoo removal machines.

  • The machines are small and light weight. You can easily carry them around in your handbag.


  • They are equipped with indicator lights that display the strength of the pulse emitted.


  • Follow the instructions and you can learn to use the machine like a pro.


  • Many tattoo removal machines can also be used for other beauty treatments like the removal of freckles, moles, and flat nevus.


  • It can also be used to beautify your eyebrows.


  • If you suffer from underarm odor, the tattoo removal machine can help you in this case as well.


  • The different functionalities offered can all be controlled with something as easy as an on/off button on the machine.


  • It is a quick and safe remedy for those stubborn spots on your face.


  • Some spots or tattoos may require further treatment but do so after the cooling period of one sitting.


  • The reasonable price of the device is always an added advantage for the consumer.


  • The variety of functions offered in a single machine makes it a favorite among doctors and dermatologists alike.

If you are planning on buying a tattoo removal device, it is important you weigh the pros and cons before you arrive at a decision.

The reviews available on the internet are a good place to begin. These machines have on the whole been well received by the consumers who have bought and tried them, but do not base your judgment on one review, go through the whole list to get a better idea.

The one thing that most consumers agree upon is the cost of the device. When a single machine that tends to a majority of your beauty needs is reasonably priced, it makes the consumers happy.

Other valuable advice dished out by users includes following the proper routine before and after you use the machine. The pre and post steps mentioned above should be followed for effective results and a hygienic treatment.

There are other products that need to be used along with the machine, anesthetic creams being one of them. This cream should be applied on your skin prior to using the machine, to avoid the pain that will follow. You can also buy ointments online, which can be applied after treatment to prevent infection.

As a beginner, you could start off with a low voltage on your device. You need not burn off your skin trying to get rid of a tiny mole on your body. It is imperative that you follow the instructions that come with the machine as different voltages are supposed to be used for different purposes. Without the supervision of an expert, do not play around with the power level.

If you have sensitive skin and are prone to other skin ailments, it would be best if you give the tattoo removal machine a try only after consulting a doctor.

Using a tattoo removal machine is easy and effective if you follow the do’s and don’ts of using the device. Check the device features and specifications over the internet, read through the reviews and zero in on the product which offers you the best functionality within your budget.

Get on the internet today and zap those unwanted moles, freckles and tattoos out of your life.